Thursday, November 28, 2019

Book Review: Go to the Grave

Go to My Grave by Catriona McPherson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Set-up like murder mystery play, almost all the scenes are at one house (or just outside it) and we have a very limited number of characters (8 or so I think). And yet I still had trouble keeping track of the all the names. Go to My Grave jumps between present day and flashbacks to when the same same group of visitors to the house were teens. Unfortunately many nicknames are used between the flashbacks and present day. Thus I had a hard time keeping track of who was who until about the halfway point when things started to click.

There is a clever little twist at the end of this slow burning story. I’m tickled that I guessed the twist at 85% and felt very smart because of it (yep I'm a loser, lol). Unlike some books, when I guess the ending, I didn’t feel at all ripped off. It’s a very clever ending reveal and fits perfectly into the narrative. Catriona McPherson has done a wonderful job here of ensuring there are no cheap, unexplained or odd moments that don't fit into a logical framework of the story and align with what the reader knows of the events that transpired in the far and recent past.

With a set cast of characters, like in Go To the Grave, you usually expect to have the typical archetypes. McPherson has done a decent job of breaking the mold of the typical archetypes (ie: ditz, jock, weirdo, smart, etc.) and instead creates people who are more complex and reflect what real people are like. While I couldn't tell you a single name of a character (I'm awful with names, lol); it didn't matter because while I was immersed in the last half of the book I was following what was happening. I enjoyed the details included for each character regarding their issues, quirks and personal challenges.

The one thing I would have liked more of in Go To My Grave was creepiness. There is some and a few moments where things click together that is a bit too coincidental and has a creep factor; but at no time do I really remember finding it quite as creepy as I was hoping. Given the title, cover look and overall blurb of the story I expected something more. Although items randomly showing up or disappearing from rooms no one has been in does border on creepy...

The best part about Go to My Grave is that it features a dysfunctional group of family and friends. Not unlike Netflix take on The Haunting of Hill House; there is something both disturbing and comforting about a messed up family. It reminds me that everyone has a screwed up family (thank goodness!) and that we are all compensating or struggling with people and situations we've been forced into. The moral of the novel is that lying or covering up events is a poor choice as things don't just undo themselves and are never forgotten. A good reminder to all of us, regardless of age, that we've all made poor choices and hiding them is likely not a good choice; as what happens when they come back to haunt us?

Please note: I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is an honest and unbiased review.

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1 comment:

Leonore Winterer said...

This one sounds pretty cool. Being able to guess the twist at 85% doesn't sound too cheap, either!