Sunday, September 8, 2024

Book Review: A Fate Inked in Blood

A Fate Inked in Blood 
by Danielle L. Jensen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Better than I had expected. While a ‘romantasy’ (gosh I hate this term) it’s still got solid fantasy world building, gods versus mortals, clans at war (politically and on the battlefield), and a lot to say about fate and destiny.
I’m so pleased I can give this a good review as the author is a fellow Calgarian! Yes that’s right from my home city of Calgary (in Canada).

A Fate Inked in Blood is actually quite complex given that the opening chapter has our two love interests ogling one another because they are just soo attractive *eye roll*. However once you get past the initial cliche set-up things begin to roll forward. Our magic system is a bit simple; powers come from a god/goddess; and generally everyone only has one power (if any). Of course our leading gals power is rare and wonderful. Again, somewhat cliche but I did go in expecting a number of typical tropes and so can accept this for what it is.

That’s the one Danielle L. Jensen gives us, without any doubt, is exactly what you are likely to expect. The pacing, reveal logic, magical rules, and (of course) lust to love pairing is all very typical. Yet I believe it works because the writing is solid, and our characters are genuinely likeable. From the feminist rage of our leading lady, to the stoic fierceness of our leading man. Put them together and you undoubtably have sparks flying with some intensity.

It should be noted that there is a bit of a push twist at the end to make everyone anticipate book two. Given that we get book two in early 2025, which is quite quick for most series these days, I can’t even complain.

Overall I was very satisfied with this read. It was what I expected, and a bit more with excellent pacing and world building. Plus I get to squee because Jensen lives here in my hometown! That makes for three popular writers of today that live here currently! And a few more up and coming ones that I hope make it onto folks radar. I actually went to my local indie store the other day and bought four books from local authors, three of which are (somewhat) well known! (All of which I’ll be sure to also rant and rave about, or so I hope!)
While my initial copy of this was from NetGalley; I did immediately make sure to get first edition, teal sprayed edge hardcover for my print collection. As always, a print copy I keep in my ever expanding library is the highest honour I can give a book.

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