Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Start - Metamorphisis

So as many of you know I've been struggling with Stitch From Stash. And I have a bit of an idea as to why...
I haven't really stitched anything new! Instead I've just tried to stop buying as much stuff which is not rewarding.
So I decided regardless of how many projects and goals I have right now I'm going to start something new. Guilt free (or so I'm trying to tell myself)
I have picked a project that's not a "small" but likely to be a quick project and one I am stitching and had kitted up just because I love the design and the colors. No reason to do it except that I want to.

So here is the kitted up project from my stash. I didn't have to buy or reorganize anything; this project was ready to in my stash.

It's called "Metamorphosis" by Ink Circles (yep a Mel fave designer). I am using the exact Gentle Arts colors called for. The linen is a bit lighter and different. I can't remember exactly the brand it is but it's a 32-count linen.

I'm hoping this start helps curtail some spending. And maybe I can make "mini deals" with myself to stitch Dragons so much and then work on this as a reward.
Worth trying I figure!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Justine said...

Great idea Mel! After all, it's Stitch from Stash, not New Start Diet! Lovely new project, don't feel guilty, just enjoy it!

Thoeria said...

Lol...I love Justine's quip of a "New Start Diet" :D I've never been good at diets of any kind! Lovely little project choice

cucki said...

Lovely new projects my dear..
Yup don't feel guilty and stitch along :)

Pull the other thread said...

Hope this helps with the stash ban. It looks like a lovely project, enjoy and I look forward to seeing your progress.

Shebafudge said...

Sounds good to me! Can't wait to see your progress. xx

Heather said...

{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

\f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 It's got pretty colors and a nice design enjoy :). And I still want to see some dragon pics ;)}

Kate said...

Brilliant idea! Love the design you have chosen.

Tiki said...

Looks like fun!

Linda said...

Great new start choice Mel.


Suz said...

Great Choice - I love it!

Carissa said...

Oh, I like this one and hope to do it myself some day! Enjoy stitching your 'new' stash!

Shelly said...

Enjoy your new start! Whatever it takes I say! A new start always works for me, even when I know it'll end up on WIP Mountain!

Irene said...

Good on you!
Also, if you don't feel like working on dragons, don't. You'll probably come back to it later with renewed interest (I know it works for me).

Bekca said...

Sounds like a good plan Mel, stitch whatever feels fun :) Looking forward to seeing your new project grow!
Best wishes.

Annette-California said...

You had a great idea to start something new! What a very beautiful design you chose. Love all the pretty colors. I had not seen this one before. So for me its new:))
Looking forward to seeing your progress. love Annette

Magiczny Świat Krzyżyków said...

Ciekawy projekt. Pozdrawiam.

KimM said...

Looks like a grand project - can hardly wait to see your progress.

Leonore Winterer said...

Ink CIrcles have some beautiful designs, can't wait to see your progress on this one ^_^