Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Stitch From Stash - February Report

I'm late, late, late for a very important date...

Month: February
Spent: $23.50
Earned: $0.00

My apologies for my crazy late update!
I do have some interesting news for those who have followed some of medical issues over the years however... I'm getting some further testing in the coming months as many of my symptoms from the last couple years are in full-force lately and meds are not keeping enough at bay. If we find out anything definitive I'll be sure to post.
But no one really cares about that crap... I try to ignore it too!

This month I bought two items on eBay. Only 2!!
One of the items I bought I think is just so cute, I'd love to see if go up in a child's room. No home plan for it yet but I'm sure one of the random children I know would enjoy it.
It's Counting Sheep, by Carriage House Samplings!

What have I worked on...
This is a sad list. I haven't touched Dragons or started the new page. (Yes I know I need to get onto that).
I did some on my Ink Circles, Metamorphosis, that was started in August of last year and put aside for a bit. Here are some updates on it. The first picture shows the latest two motifs. The last pic shows all the motifs (there is one more after most recently started one). Please forgive the creases; this piece is being stitched in hand and I'm too lazy to iron it for a progress photo. :)

Happy Stitching!


Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

In case you didn't hear me..OOOOOHH and AAHHHH! These are so pretty!

Joy said...

Hoorah for staying away from ebay! (for the most part)

Kate said...

Congrats for staying in budget! Wonderful progress.

Anonymous said...

beautiful stitching, love the new chart
and for your health ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

cucki said...

Beautiful stitching
I love it so much xx

Brigitte said...

That's a vetry nice project you are working on here. And good for you that you stayed within the budget.

I hope that your medical problems will soon be sorted out.

Malinda said...

Good work! I love the Counting Sheep, it is the cutest little thing. I hope you feel better.

Rachel said...

Well done on staying within budget and (mostly) keeping away from ebay!
You've made some lovely progress too. :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Well done on staying within budget. The sheep design is very cute.

The Ink Circles piece is looking great too.

Thoeria said...

I'd say that at $2 you could not have been expected to resist! I know I wouldnt have!
Great going on the Ink Circles!!

Tiffstitch said...

Fingers crossed progress will be made medically and great stitching!

Faith... said...

Hope you get your medical issues straightened out - soon! Metamorphosis is looking great.

Sally said...

You're doing well on SFS so far Mel. I think this will be a tough one for those of us who did it last year as well.

Lovely progress.

Hope you can sorted with your medical issues.

Leonore Winterer said...

Great progress on Metamorphosis, I loved to see the close up of it :) I hope you're health issues will get sorted out for real this time!

Susan said...

Of course we care about your health issues!! Hope they get sorted out.

Great Ebay buy! Those sheep are too cute. and very nice progress on Metamorphosis.

Irene said...

I hope the tests find something useful about your medical problems!

Congratulations on spending so little. And on making progress on Metamorphosis; it's a lovely design, as so many Ink Circles ones are.

(Apologies for lateness of comment; my motorcycle had an argument with a truck a couple of weeks ago.)

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm evil-bay. So bad but so good :-).
Loving the evolution of quaker piece.

Vickie said...

Cute new chart...

Stitchinowl said...

Your Ink Circles WIP is coming along nicely. :) Ebay for stitchers is like a bar for people who drink too much LOL