Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Book Review: The Bone Shard Daughter

The Bone Shard Daughter
by Andrea Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing!! An absolute tour de force. This book is incredible.
My time taken to read it is only because I decided to savour it and read many books in-between. I’ll be onto the second book immediately and do not intend to take near as long to devour it.
The plot, the magic, the characters, the beasts; all of it is just so well throughout, written, and intricately put together. Andrea Stewart has given us a new world of magic with characters to adore and intrigue in how to rebuild a fallen Empire. I cannot say enough good things about this series.
At the end of the day if you love fantasy then this is a MUST READ book. I truly hope the series continues on just as strong. I expect in ten years for this series to be listed alongside other pinnacles of achievement in fantasy like Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones, Broken Empire, and more.

What tickles me even more is that a women wrote it!! Proof that we don’t need old white men to write all our fantasy. In fact anyone can write this genre successfully. I cannot wait to continue on with Bone Shard series; but also for all of Stewart’s future stories. I’m sure she has many to tell and I am here for them all.

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1 comment:

Leonore Winterer said...

I think I bought this a while ago. Will put it up higher on my TBR list!