Sunday, August 11, 2024

Book Review: One Dark Window

One Dark Window 
by Rachel Gillig
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I struggled in the beginning with One Dark Window. Maybe because I had just come off a great book, maybe because I expected a lot out of the gate based on the praise heaped all over this book, or maybe because I just wasn’t ready. So I read a shorter book and came back. I’m sooo glad I came back!!
The last 75% of this book is brilliant! The ending is dark and I cannot wait to move onto book two! It’s nice to know this is a duology, has a distinct ending, and I’m hoping it’s as dark as I’m expecting! Lucky for me I had enough faith in previous reviews to buy both books at the same time. So glad I did!

One Dark Window has a very unique magic system that is a bit complex, and not like your standard magic set-up. While using the magic has consequences it’s not to make you tired; these consequences are much more nefarious. Each type of magic (based on which card you use) has a different side effect; just as the card only does specific things. I’m still a little shaky on what a couple of the cards do (besides our elusive Alders card) but I have accepted that it’s okay I didn’t have all the answers at my fingertips and the mystery about the cards and how the magic is affecting different people is what makes this such a great ending (as we learn some of our answers; but not all)! So if you usually read fantasy, like me, be patient I promise it’s worth it.

Overall, I think that is my main point on this book is be patient. The characters really start to come into their own, our leading girls side effect really starts to play a part (besides just annoying her and the reader), and the cute little insta-love (ugh) does evolve enough that I can accept they are falling in love. Ultimately it’s not five stars for me because it just wasn’t perfect; but I think book two has a real opportunity to elevate the darkness, deepness, and deliberateness for everyone and everything happening.
I definitely recommend One Dark Window with the caveat to be patient. It does get there.

My usual endorsement that shows I’m serious, One Dark Window is going into my print library (where I have to be very picky because I’m basically out of room for books).

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1 comment:

Leonore Winterer said...

Ah, books that start slow, then get really favourite kind! Sometimes, good world- and character building just takes some time.