I got motivated to start it through the HAED BB as I saw others had started it and it looked great.
I have started it from the bottom left of this page. So it's kinda like the middle of the SK (it's two pages).
Here is a pic:

And I got some more time (a little) into Rose Garden. Here she is:

I am hoping to get back into the groove of working, stitching etc, as I'm back at the office this week. This will likely (oddly) translate into more stitching than I did over holidays. ;)
Hope everyone had a happy New Year! And thanks for all your comments etc. Look here for a giveaway soon! I am close to 100 posts and will do a giveaway as my 100th.
100 posts already. Way to go!
Your stitching has a good start.
Happy New Year, Mel :)
Both projects are off to a good start!
Nice start on Elfland.
Rose Garden will be pretty, and can't really tell on Elfland.
Both projects look really good.
It' fun to see your new starts. The HAED and the Rose garden are both off to a great start!!
Happy New Year to you too. Nice start to your new projects. I love the fabric for the Rose Garden piece.
Lovely stitching - funny HAED don't really appeal to me, but I love to see other peoples' progress.
Great start on your stitching.
Great start on your SK, I look forward to seeing progress of all your wip's throughout the New Year Mel :)
Hey, I love the colours in the Rose Garden. What a nice start!
Great start on SK and your Rose Garden has very pretty colors. You are turning into a HAED addict, aren't you?! LOL!!
You have 2 great starts
Nice start on both of these!
Two great starts. Looking forward to seeing more of them.
Two great starts, looking forward to seeing your progress.
Nice start to both projects!
Congrats on two great starts! Seems everyone is starting something new!
Hi,I enjoy your blog.The pattern Judgement is so beautiful.I would like to be entered in your give away if possible. Thank you. Have a good day and happy stitching.
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