Friday, July 7, 2017

Stitching: Sugar Skull Start

Wow that is a lot of S's in that title! 

I have a quick little start to share today. 
But the bigger bed is I'm very very close to the first page finish on Alice. It's been slower than I expected due to a lot of confetti... 
but in the meantime here is a new start on my fave little kits by Mill Hill... 

Start to date

What it will look like 

That's it for now, but I really have been stitching a lot it's just not exciting to post blobs of beige and pink on Alice. 

Thanks for visiting and commenting!! 


Robin in Virginia said...

Hi Mel~ Your start looks good. Happy to hear that you are closing in on a page finish with Alice. Enjoy your weekend!

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

That is a nice start. However, from someone who enjoys looking at stitching eye candy, no matter if it's blobs or not, I'd still love to see your Alice update. There are never enough pictures of stitching updates, in my opinion. Have a great day! --Andrea

Meri said...

Wow, really colorful! In Poland it's really hard to get Mill Hill kits with this paper, is there big difference between stitching on this paper and on Aida or plastic Aida?

CJ said...

A lot of beautiful colors.


Claudette497 said...

Great start! It will be fun watching this come to life!

Leonore Winterer said...

Great start! I think this one is on my list as well. And I wouldn't mind seeing some random blobs of beige and pink, but a page finish is even more exciting!