Sunday, November 22, 2015

Rosewood Manor - Support

Many people have asked me about Rosewood Manor and I didn't want to get any facts or whatnot wrong. 
Luckily many of shops have shared the same message Karen at Rosewood and so I feel ok with sharing it.

Message from Karen Kluba of Rosewood Manor: 
"Hello, I'm not sure how many of you are aware of our daughter Rachel's very serious accident late this summer.  She lives in England.  She and her two sons 7 & 6 were visiting us here in Michigan for about 30 days while the boys were off school.  Her husband had come over for the last 8 days of the summer. We had a fun summer which ended in tragedy just two days before they were to fly home.  We are all devastated.
"After a month in hospital here in Michigan she was flown via medical transport over to England to a hospital there.  She has sustained a TBI-Traumatic Brain Injury.  She is now in a center for enablement - receiving rehab in Oxford, England.  We are all hoping and praying for a miracle, that she can overcome this, but it will all take time - lots of time. The doctors feel that her sister, her father and I, should visit to help with her rehab as often as possible.
"I designed a leaflet to raise money to help our family be able to fly over to visit her in hospital in England.  It is called "Crazy Socks"-the explanation of the title is on the back cover of the chart." 

Been thinking about getting a Rosewood Manor pattern? 
Now is the perfect time. 

Photo shown is the second Rosewood Manor I bought in support of Karen it's called "Autumn Quakers". 
First was featured last blog post called "Inspiration". I also own a few more my Rosewood that I unearthed to make sure I didn't buy duplicates. 

On an unrelated note. My stash needs a serious organizational rework. More on that to come soon. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thank you! - Stitching Front Update

Wow, there is nothing else I can say but wow. Thank you isn't enough for the outpouring of support you have all given me in closing down SFS. Just thank you.

I am answering every message and comment I have received personally. However it's taking time. So please don't think I didn't get your message or care if I haven't responded. I am flooded with amazing emails and comments from people at this time. But I will be answering EVERY SINGLE ONE of them.

On the Stitching Front
I'm getting quite close on Take Time to Read. But running out of thread has really made life difficult. My TTtR will be quite unique as I am not necessarily using color for color match. But so far the entire piece is still in silk and that is my commitment to the project is that I don't compromise the delicate silk look that Jeanette intended.

I started a new Mill Hill kit. Just an itty bitty one. Instead of taking from stash I was bad and took from "newly ordered" items. Will share some photos soon!

Did you see the new Mirabilia witches!!! OMG am in love, and in trouble. Lol. I also adore Willow Queen that Mirabilia just released.

But instead of going for any of those; in light of the tragedy and suffering that the family of Rosewood Manor has been experiencing, I purchased a few Rosewood Manor patterns to help generate (albeit small but something) some income for Karen and her family. One of the patterns I bought is the gorgeous (yet big and detailed; say epic anyone...) piece shown called "Inspiration" from Rosewood Manor. I love that it's based on a quilt that was based on an 1800's stitched piece. Who could ask for more history and inspiration all around!

I also want to thank all the shops (including my online preferential shop) for their support and sales in this difficult time for Karen from Rosewood Manor and her family. It's an amazing community that the Internet created for stitching and I'm ever grateful to be a part of it.

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Stitch From Stash Announcement

I have been debating a decision for the last month and a bit, and have finally decided on the best course of action. 
All of my helpers have been fabulous and wonderful! I couldn't have kept SFS going without them over the last year!! This decision is in no part because of them or a lack of them. This is a purely personal decision on my behalf. 
If you haven't figured it out yet I am closing Stitch from Stash. I am finding it overwhelming these days to try and keep up each month (even with the help of my awesome volunteers). It has been a wonderful road to get to know so many people, manage the group, work through the growing pains and to learn a lot about my own spending habits (what I really learned is I'm awful with spending as expected, lol). However my role at my office is increasing (which is a good thing but involves a lot more effort and energy), my anxiety disorder is creeping up (slowly but surely) and tasks that have timelines add to my anxiety, and lastly my hands are sore a lot more often. Therefore I need to decrease some of my repetitive actions (like typing) in order to keep doing those I love (like stitching) and preserve my hands for as long as possible.  
I know this will disappoint many and for that I am very, very sorry. I feel that I'm letting you all down by not being able to finish the year out but each month (for the last couple) that I come to deal with SFS month end I am feeling more and more stressed and anxious about it. Obviously that is just silly as it should be fun! And I promise you it was. I've had a wonderful time running this group. It's just that now is the time for me to let go. 
I have considered passing the group onto someone and decided that in it's current form I'd like to retire it. However if someone would like to start their own I'd be happy to promote it on my blog so that everyone will be aware. 
Again, thank you so much to everyone that has been a part of the group. And please understand that I am sorry to close the group down at this time but it is the right thing to do. My DH thanks you all for helping me to save money, and supporting the group (so he didn't have to, lol). 
As a part of stepping away from SFS I'm going to try and re-engage whenever I can in the blog community. I have been passive for the last year and missed so many updates from all of you about your stitching. I miss that. And of course try to update my own blog a bit more often or at least twice a month. (I hope!)
Thank you again for being a part of this wonderful group and journey we have gone on. And don't ever forget to Stitch From Stash! :) 
Happy Stitching

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

SFS2015-B October Reporting

This is the place to log-in/report for all participating bloggers in SFS2015-B group.
This link list to report for October (for bloggers) will remain open October 21 - 29.

Please ensure you include the following information at the top of your blog post:
Month: (the month you're reporting in for!)
Spent: (the amount you spent from your budget)
Earned: (put the amount earned from finishes that month!)

Of course we want pictures and more information if you'd like!! This is merely the minimum requirement for reporting. Please ensure you link to the exact SFS post on your blog and not your general blog page.

Email participants please click link to send in your report:

Issues, concerns, confused, etc?
Please feel free to leave a comment here and I will respond via email or comment back if you don't have an email connected to your blogger profile.
Email me (Mel) direct at

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Take Time to Read - WIP

I've *finally* gotten some actual progress stitching into my Jeannette Douglass Take Time to Read.
You'll see that I'm jumping around a bit in the piece (between blocks). The reason is that I'm trying to conserve as much thread as possible and it's just easier when I can see another area to immediately use the thread in.

Why am I conserving thread?
Well I decided to do this piece on a 28ct linen from my stash. However, it is charted for 32ct. Now, normally this wouldn't be an issue but I didn't take into account one (kind of important) thing. The thread pack. Jeannette's pieces always use the most luxurious NPI, Gloriana or other silk threads. They are just divine and cannot be replicated in any other way in lots of cases. In the case of Take Time to Read the border is too beautiful not to do in the silk that is called for. So I did what I usually do with Jeannette's pieces and bought the thread pack. Well, that's all great and it's a lovely thread pack. 
Except for one thing... it's charted for over one and the thread pack is accounted for on 32ct linen. And I'm doing 28ct over two.

So needless to say I'm pretty much guaranteed to run out of thread... I'm doing what I can with what I have and will see if I can get to the end or if I need another thread pack. 
Silly me for not reading the instructions first and thinking about the thread pack. On the good side I'll likely never make that mistake again!!
To date: 

- I've put a few stitches in Alice 
- Picked up South Seas Mermaid (Mirabillia) that I haven't touched much in forever. I do love the Silkweavers fabric its on!! Pics coming soon.

Happy Stitching!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sept SFS2015-B Post and a FINISH!

If you are looking to log your blog in for SFS2015-B September please see the post directly below this one.

SFS Reporting
Well here I am at the end of the month of Sept and I can honestly say I'm not entirely sure what I spent. It's been an odd month. We were away for a week visiting my sister and brother in Vancouver (Canada) where I didn't spend any money on stitching but we spent a lot of money on comics, records and general travel expenses. It was a great trip however.

So here's my attempt to report... I may be off by a bit:
Spent: $45 (all on Facebook stash group... again)
Finished: $10 - Mill Hill Butterfly  (5x5" on perforated paper with 50% beads; so I did an approx. number)

So yes I'm still over... But I'm still within an attainable amount if I finish a couple other things I've got on the go. Including Take Time to Read. There is still hope.

Mill Hill Butterfly Finish
Well it seemed like it took forever (but I always forget how much extra time is needed on these because of the beads) but I have completed the Mill Hill Butterfly. I just adore it. It's so shiny with the beads, symmetrical and yet not (because of flowers) and was a dream to stitch up with all it's fun color changes.
I've done quite a few Mill Hills over the years but I think this is my favourite from the 5x5" designs.
From the kit, done on 14ct perforated paper with DMC threads and Mill Hill beads:

Monday, September 21, 2015

SFS2015-B September Reporting

This is the place to log-in/report for all participating bloggers in SFS2015-B group.
This link list to report for August (for bloggers) will remain open September 21 - 29.

Please ensure you include the following information at the top of your blog post:
Month: (the month you're reporting in for!)
Spent: (the amount you spent from your budget)
Earned: (put the amount earned from finishes that month!)

Of course we want pictures and more information if you'd like!! This is merely the minimum requirement for reporting. Please ensure you link to the exact SFS post on your blog and not your general blog page.

Email participants please click link to send in your report:

Issues, concerns, confused, etc?
Please feel free to leave a comment here and I will respond via email or comment back if you don't have an email connected to your blogger profile.
Email me (Mel) direct at

Sunday, August 30, 2015

August SFS2015-A Reporting - WIP Butterfly Update

Well... so I had a budget... and had kept to it. And then I got invited to a private Stash Unload group... and I did pretty good for awhile... until I didn't anymore. AND then my Etsy shop had a killer month (for no apparent reason) and so I had "extra" money (that should have gone to my disaster of a yard project budget that is double the estimate, sigh) but because I needed gratification from the yard disaster I bought more stuff...
I know you're all thinking that your leader for SFS is the crappiest ever. I tend to agree. I'm not inspiring anyone (including myself) at this point.

Carry-over = $11.00
Budget = $25.00
Finish = $0.00
Total = $36.00
Spent = $163.50

Overage = $127.50
Yep I suck. That's really all I can say at this point.

Butterfly WIP Update
Well in good news I've made some progress with my Butterfly. These pictures are from last week and I'm actually a bit further ahead again but not enough to make it worthwhile to take new photos.
This is a Mill Hill kit on perforated paper. I've done a lot of Mill Hill's but I can honestly say this has been one of my absolute favourites. I love the colors, beads and the flow of the pattern. I dunno what makes it better I just know it is. (yep I sound crazy)
Please forgive the bad color in the photos I'm not sure why it's so off and I just can't seem to get it quite right with editing. The background perforated paper is actually a light green or minty green.
My hope is to have it finished and counted for next month's SFS.

Thanks to everyone for your comments on Alice start. I haven't picked her up since because the shop has been so busy but I'll get there. Also did the border of Take Time to Read a few weeks ago and have some comments and things to share on it soon too. 
Thanks for dropping by! 

Friday, August 21, 2015

NEW 'Epic' Start - Alice

** If you are looking for the August SFS2015-B log-ins please scroll down to the post below **
Well I've finally decided on the next 'epic' piece. You're all going to laugh as it's not so epic as Dragons... but it'll still take me awhile and is the same format so I'm going to say it's the 'epic' piece of choice.

This time it's a real Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED) pattern. But of the mini variety.
My husband approved this choice and so we plan to frame and keep it for our home once complete. DH has been obsessed with Alice in Wonderland since I first met him more than a decade ago. He has tattoo plans for Alice items and is always finding comparisons to or references to Alice in everything and anything. We looked at a few Alice themed pieces but decided that this one fit our 'style' best. Our home is very antique/steampunk looking. We have a mix of antiques (Victorian tea box, 1941 typewriter (that works!), spinning wheel, and more) alongside new-ish furniture that is styled to look antique or military (rivets on the coffee table for example). So this Alice seemed to fit nicely into our mood (and it's pretty darn cool which is a big factor too!)

Alice in Clockwork
Finished Design Size 185 W by 232 H 
Artist: Jasmine Becket-Griffith

Designer: Heaven & Earth Designs (HAED)

Stitched One over One
On 28ct Platinum Evenweave
DMC floss (86 colors)

Here's my little, itty bitty start: 

And let's not kid ourselves there is no way I am going to type "Alice in Clockwork" for the next however long before I complete this piece. So we will just shorten it to "Alice" now and save any grief later. :) 

Coming up: 
- Stitch From Stash update (I got invited to a unstash facebook group... it's awesome, yet awful...)
- Butterfly from Mill Hill kit is getting very close to being completed, update of it soon
- Take Time to Read from Jeannette Douglass: borders and one motif are complete, update very soon
- Owls is back from the framers (baby piece from a few months ago) and looks great. I'll share it as soon as I take some photos

Thanks so much for dropping by! 

SFS2015-B August Reporting

This is the place to log-in/report for all participating bloggers in SFS2015-B group.
This link list to report for August (for bloggers) will remain open from Aug 21 - 29.

Please ensure you include the following information at the top of your blog post:
Month: (the month you're reporting in for!)
Spent: (the amount you spent from your budget)
Earned: (put the amount earned from finishes that month!)

Of course we want pictures and more information if you'd like!! This is merely the minimum requirement for reporting. Please ensure you link to the exact SFS post on your blog and not your general blog page.

Email participants please click link to send in your report:

Issues, concerns, confused, etc?
Please feel free to leave a comment here and I will respond via email or comment back if you don't have an email connected to your blogger profile.
Email me (Mel) direct at

Friday, July 31, 2015

SFS July Report & Metamorphosis FINISH!

I feel like I've had so few finishes in last couple years and that suddenly there is a giant flood of completions in last couple months. It's a very odd thing for me.  Odd = good. :) 
Month = July 2015
Spent = $28
Finishes = $14 (Metamorphosis)

I bought some DMC for my new 'mini epic piece' that I will share in August. As well as did some bad eBay shopping; but kept it all in budget so I'm pleased!
Metamorphosis Finish (by Ink Circles) 
This was a project I started in August of last year as I was having a hard time focusing on stitching and the determination was that I was getting bored of dragons and needed to remedy that by a new start. So I hunted through 3 drawers of already kitted up and ready to go projects and selected Metamorphosis by Ink Circles. The nice thing about this pattern is that it's like having 7 little finishes for each motif.
Threads are Gentle Art, exactly the same colors as charted. I think the linen is a 30ct. Not sure on color or company, sorry.
Here's some pics!


I don't know what I did with the full length picture... *shakes head* but you get the idea. It's all 7 motifs in a row (above two photos show the middle 'yellow' motif twice).

Up Coming:
- I have started a new "epic" piece and will be sharing it shortly!
- The baby sampler from a couple months ago is headed to the framers so I should have it back in August to share
- I started 'Take Time to Read' while on vacation last week (stay-cation) and will share my progress on it as well in August.
Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July Reporting for SFS2015-B

This is the place to log-in/report for all participating bloggers in SFS2015-A group.
This link list to report for July (for bloggers) will remain open from July 21 - 29.

Please ensure you include the following information at the top of your blog post:
Month: (the month you're reporting in for!)
Spent: (the amount you spent from your budget)
Earned: (put the amount earned from finishes that month!)

Of course we want pictures and more information if you'd like!! This is merely the minimum requirement for reporting. Please ensure you link to the exact SFS post on your blog and not your general blog page.

Email participants please click link to send in your report:

Issues, concerns, confused, etc?
Please feel free to leave a comment here and I will respond via email or comment back if you don't have an email connected to your blogger profile.
Email me (Mel) direct at

Sunday, July 19, 2015

D.E.S.I.G.N - Jeannette Douglass

Are you tired of hearing me talk about Jeannette yet?  (lol)

Most of this post is for the D.E.S.I.G.N. series hosted by a number of great ladies I've gotten to know. Check out information about the SAL and the lovely group of ladies at their shared site:

D.E.S.I.G.N. Series Post

What project are you talking about this month?
I am starting a new project from Jeannette Douglass that is for my personal library and from her very popular "Time Take to" series. After meeting Jeannette in March I have been inspired to stitch her pieces so much more than even before!

Have you stitched a project by this designer before?Yes, I completed Take Time for Friends (see below) as a gift a couple Christmases ago. It was a dream to stitch and the thread pack was invaluable to get the silks and other specialty threads for a reasonable price.

Would you buy/stitch a design by this designer again? Why/Why not?
Definitely! For one, Jeannette is an amazing woman! Two, her designs are so unlike any others. The combination of cross stitch and specialty stitches makes her projects very interesting for intermediate to advanced stitchers.

What made you choose this particular design/designer?
I'm a broken record now, but meeting her really was a huge inspiration.
I've had this pattern for many years now and have a spot for it in my basement library corner. The library is not in it's own room sadly, but still an improvement over the library wall of my childhood bedroom. My Mom wouldn't let me replace my bed with books. :)

Did you notice anything that distinguished this designer from others?
Her thread packs really make affording her designs so much easier. You don't have to buy full skeins of silks, or other specialty threads. I also enjoy that she's not a huge fan of pink or girly colors. I am also not a big fan of the typical color palette many designers use for cross stitch. I swear we are like two peas in a pod when it comes to tastes and likes!

The Previous Finish
For those newer to my blog, to the right, is my previously completed "Take Time for Friends" that was a Christmas gift for a friend. Final finishing was into a little pillow (that I actually finished myself).

As you can see in the "friends" design there are dozens of different types of stitches and different things happening. From one over one; to the standard two over two stitches, to bargello, diamond and long stitches it's really very fun and different. The 'M' and 'L' are my initials as per Jeannette's design to put you own initials in the piece.

DH and I are on stay-cation this coming week. Got some house, yard, stuffs to take care of. I am starting Jeannette's piece above; as well as starting another piece that I'm excited to share later this week! The other new start is even DH approved! He always gives input if I ask but usually doesn't care what I'm working on. In this case he helped pick it out and everything!
Happy stitching!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Dragons Framed - No Ribbons

Note: An email has been sent to all SfS2015-B participants. If you do not receive this welcome email please contact me at

The Framing
Well as requested I have here is the framing that we did on Dragons. Chosen by my Uncle (whom is the recipient of Dragons). Here it is in a simple green with cream matting and brown/black wood frame:

No Ribbons
Well, at the Calgary Stampede Western Arts & Crafts Showcase I got nothing for ribbons or prizes. I'm not too surprised. No one in the local community knows who 'judges' these pieces and so most of us in town just enter to support the exhibition as opposed to win anything. If we all don't know who judges then there is a good chance it's not any of our top crafters in the area. Or so our theory goes on why they select some odd items to win ribbons.
The overall first place in all needlework categories is an amazing embroidery piece that I'm very pleased won the top cash prize. As for the others... well they are no more special than must but glad to still see stitchers entering at least. :)

Like I said, not surprised or upset. I know that my 7.5 years of effort and investment into the piece is a great feat and it doesn't diminish the value of Dragons in my mind at all. And I know my Uncle and his family don't care about the ribbons (though it may have been a slightly more exciting story to tell to their visitors I suppose).

Went on after looking at artwork to walk the midway at the Stampede with my friend that came with me and her 4-month old. Ate some mini-donuts (mmmmm!!!) and that was about that.

Coming Up
It's a weird week as I work all week but no one really 'works' during Stampede week here in town. DH and I are going to two rock shows this week so that will take all my energy away from me I'm sure. However, Monarch is still stitching up nicely, put some beads into it the other night.
Working on dividing threads for new Jeannette Douglass start. Should have that ready to go for next post. :)

Thanks for all your overwhelmingly lovely comments on Dragons last month!!! 
Happy Stitching! 

Monday, June 29, 2015

June SFS2015-A Update & New Start

Well it's halfway. I lost the Stitch from Stash budget challenge wayyyy back in March but did have 2 months of no spending which is quite impressive for me.
And yet I couldn't extend it to June. After finishing Dragons I felt like I *had* to get a couple new things. So took advantage of some eBay deals.
Spent: $22.50 
Earned: $20.00 (1 page finish on Dragons) 

So I guess I'm really out $2.50 of budget with my 'earned' amount which isn't so bad.

New Start - Monarch Butterfly
Following the finish of Dragons I wanted something simple and easy so I started a Mill Hill design on perforated paper called Winged Monarch. Only done some stitching so far but did sort beads and love all the great bright summer colors in this little project.
These kits really are fantastic and perfect for really chilling out and stitching. Besides for the price they are also a great deal in my opinion. :)
I think Mill Hill just released their Halloween line which is dangerous for me...


Coming up
- Dragons framed and competition results!!! (results Thursday, except post Friday)
- New Jeanette Douglass start!!
- Second half year of Stitch from Stash!

Happy Stitching!

Monday, June 22, 2015

SFS2015-A - June Reporting Links

This is the place to log-in/report for all participating bloggers in SFS2015-A group.
This link list to report for June (for bloggers) will remain open from June 22 - 29.

Of course we want pictures and more information if you'd like!! This is merely the minimum requirement for reporting. Please ensure you link to the exact SFS post on your blog and not your general blog page.

Email participants please click to send in your report: 
Issues, concerns, confused, etc?  
Please feel free to leave a comment here and I will respond via email or comment back if you don't have an email connected to your blogger profile. 
Email me (Mel) direct at

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

SFS2015-B (Part 2) Sign-ups Open!!

Thanks to everyone for their patience. I know some of you have been waiting to sign-up for SFS2015-B!
B (or Part 2) of Stitch From Stash is now open to sign-ups for new members!

Please see all the rules (below the sign-ups list) before committing and keep in mind this challenge is not for everyone.

Sign-up & Rules:
Or you can always view the rules & participant list by clicking the SFS2015-B tab above.

Any questions or concerns please feel free to email:
or post in the comment below.
* If you'd like to participate via email only (no blog) please send an email to above e-mail address and request a spot. I will be taking only 20 email members so don't delay.

Sign-ups will close for SFS2015-B on June 27, 2015. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

DRAGONS IS FINISHED - 7.5 yrs later

How can I even start the post that has been almost 8 years in the making?
All the photos interspersed in this post are from the finished piece. All photos can be viewed larger by clicking on them. 
All items in italics are 'personal milestones', all else are stitchy related (in case you want to skim this post). :) 

Let's start with...


Why Dragons? 
For those of you who haven't been long time followers, some history:
- Dragons was chosen by my uncle (who is like my older brother with only 9 yrs separating us, and he lived with my family when I was 11-12).
- Started following a break-up with a very rich, snobby and he's-not-that-into-you-guy.
- I needed an 'epic' replacement for given-up-on larger Disney project that I had imagined as my potential non-existent childrens nursery piece. The giveaway of the partially done Disney project also symbolized my understanding that I was unable to have children (which is a-ok) and accepted the truth of my likely future. 

Therefore, I needed a replacement project.
My uncle and I agreed to "Judgement", design by Character Creations (Kerry Blackwell), artwork by Lisa Hunt. The art is from a Tarot series that Lisa Hunt did back in 2007 or so. The whole set is absolutely gorgeous!
I know what you're thinking, why not a HAED. We looked at HAEDs, but "Judgement" just seemed like the right choice. I told my uncle it might take me a year or two because of it's "complexity". Boy was I wrong! LOL!

"Judgement" was started in August of 2008. 
87 colors and over 100 skeins of DMC thread were bought (I have quite a few skeins left over). Ivory 25ct evenweave was selected with the help of some local stitchers. After a couple of test I decided on  1 over 1 and was okay with the potential "loss" of coverage in the darker areas in order to avoid the bulkiness that I thought (still do) think 2 threads brings on over 1 on 25 ct.
The same year that my now DH and I got back together, we were in a high-speed truck rollover on the highway (in the snow).

Epic Stitching Blog Begins - March 2009
I started this blog originally because I needed a way to motivate myself to work on Dragons and wanted to reconnect with the online stitching world I had briefly forayed into in 2007 with a different blog (that I can no longer find sadly, long since erased by the interwebs I suppose).
I did not ever foresee myself 7.5(ish) years later posting about this finish. I saw it, at that time as a 3-4 year project. I was still sooo wrong on my estimate of time!
A huge call out to some of my first followers and encouragers in Meari, Evalina and (the greatly missed) Rene. I know so many more of you were there for each and every post and I truly appreciate that more than you can know. 

In March 2009 I was also living in an apartment with my now-DH and starting to really feel the effects of what was later determined to be vertigo and issues from our truck rollover the year before. Dragons became my one constant that I could always rely on. Like a good book you read over and over again. 

February 2010 - Coining 'Dragons'
Sometime between 2009 and 2010 "Judgement" piece got renamed to Dragons. It was just easier. I never meant to mislead anyone and did try to remind people it wasn't a HAED in some posts but honestly it just got tiresome and so it was thereafter known as Dragons to me both online and offline. I don't know that I ever called it Judgement after that.
In Feb 2010 I had major health issues starting to compound. A gallbladder surgery that was only "successful" in that they got my gallbladder out without killing me. Not so successful in that I had a litany of issues and many of which I am still medicated b/c of today. Epic Stitching went on a hiatus in Mar-Apr of 2010 as I just couldn't handle much at the time. Epic Stitching came back online early-Fall of 2010. 

January 2012
Halfway!! Now you're about to see what really got in the way of completing Dragons... it wasn't my health (like I thought) and it wasn't buying a house, traveling to Holland or having a full-time permanent relationship with the man that (one day) might marry me but is my common-law partner and DH today (just without the official piece of paper). Nope in fact it was the Etsy shop...

June 2012 
I officially changed careers from an Art Director in magazines to a regulatory technician. Yep it's a boring paperwork job. This was a milestone for me personally as it gave me a 9-5 job, more time for Dragons, (hahaha) and wayyy less stress. This was also the official start of Epic Stitching on Etsy. And the beginning of Dragons being neglected (truth hurts).

April 2013
A new house (first non-rental), a trip to Holland and so much stitching that didn't include Dragons. Etsy shop has really taken off by now and is taking up about 1/2 of my stitching time I used to have. I swear that without all of my followers and supporters I wouldn't have stuck with it. Carla started making comments that always asked about Dragons if it had been too long. I knew I needed to get to it if Carla had bugged me! :)

December 2013
Stitch from Stash was born. Again taking away time from Dragons (lol). This was the first year of us living in our own home and cutbacks had to made in stashing. While I may have had more room to store my stash in our house than in the apartment; I certainly didn't have more money (darn utilities and property taxes)! 

A push year. This was a huge year for the Etsy shop and I really did try to concentrate on Dragons when I wasn't doing Etsy stuffs. Stitch from Stash had it's first full year with a great group of ladies!

I had a goal in January of this year. I wanted Dragons done, actually done, in time for entries into the Calgary Stampede Western Showcase Arts & Crafts Competition. All entries had to be registered by June 16, 2015. The deadline of June 6, 2015 was firmed up as being the "drop dead date" in order for framing to be completed.

One week ago today... June 6, 2015
I finished stitching Dragons!!!! It was bittersweet and exhilarating all at the same time. It reminded me of high school grad a bit. When you know you've moved on and completed something great; but still have a ton of future to consider.
Right now, I'm savoring my finish. I am getting stressed thinking about what will be the next "epic" piece. There will be one that I know. But with 50+ HAEDs and dozens of other large projects of the "full art, no backstitch" variety I have to really think about it and want the DH involved in the decision. We may take it to a poll here... maybe. ;)
(Postscript: I had my long waited MRI on Tuesday this week, results this coming Wednesday. Wouldn't it be so fitting to have an official name for all my health issues in the same month as Dragons is finished? It would be almost divine as my health has been so much a part of Dragons progression in my mind). 

A Retrospective: What Do I See in Dragons? 
A lot of work, lol! And a lot of stitches. I see my health issues over the years, my life-long partner and I choosing to live together, changing careers, buying my first home and did I mention a lot of stitches?
I also see my online stitching friends, stash bought, other projects like Cottages, LK's Halloween and other stitching endeavors that detoured Dragons to take 7.5 years to complete.

Above all else I actually think I see 7.5 yrs of my life brought together into one beautiful piece of art that I can say I did all by myself and never gave up on.
We may not think about it much but our stitching is really a representation of the progress of our lives. Remember that piece you did when you got married, had a baby, bought a home or moved somewhere? Those are the stitches that represent your life and the change in it.
(This is easily the sappiest thing I have ever written, don't worry I'll be back to my much less sappy self next post.)

So let me share my sign of relief, a tear or two and absolute excitement that "Dragons" is finished. I look forward to the next chapter of my life that will be documented in more stitches. I hope there are many more "Dragons" in my future that I can look fondly on and see many highs/lows and a personal journey within their completion. It's not about the finish, it's about the journey. 

Stitched by Mel @ Epic Stitching
Stitched between Aug. 2008 to June 2015
"Judgement" (Dragons) art by Lisa Hurt, design by Kerry Blackwell
1 over 1 on 25 ct ivory evenweave. 87 DMC colors. 
297 (width) x 498 (height) = 147,906 stitches

Sunday, May 31, 2015

SFS2015-A May Report & Dragons Update

$0.00 Spent
$0.00 in Finishes

That's right I did it! Another month of zero spending. Since the "big blown budget" day (early March) with Jeannette I have spent zero dollars on stash! I know many of you are thinking, well that's not all that impressive Mel, but for me it really is (sadly).

Dragons Update:
If you can believe it... I am about 4 hours away from finishing Dragons!!!
I've gone from 86 colors down to 1 color remaining to stitch with. It's large blocks of stitching, so kinda boring but quick. This means I should *fingers crossed* finish Dragons well in advance of my deadline this Friday!!!!
My one color left is DMC3823 (pale yellow) stitched on ivory 25ct evenweave. Like I said, real exciting. LOL.

Sorry no pics today as I'm wanting to make the next update be the completed Dragons! So here I go, chat soon.

PS: Sign-ups for Stitch from Stash 2015-B (Part 2) are opening very, very soon. Watch this page for more information in coming days. :) 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Volcano? - Dragons Update

** May SFS2015-A Reporting Link is in post below**

The mad rush is on... to try and get Dragons completed, framed and into exhibition/competition for June 24... I won't lie; it's not looking all that good.
Yes Dragons is coming along, and I made some amazing headway on the past long weekend we had here in Canada but I feel it's still not going to be enough. But we will see and I haven't given up hope yet.

While working through Dragons this time around I've been trying to get the smaller sections of changing color stitching done first. So up through the tree and branches. It's resulted in a really interesting look that to me is like a volcano.
So here's a quick snippet of last page of Dragons at almost half the page stitched. So close!
Can you see the volcano?


Every time I've picked up Dragons (almost every day this last 10 days in a row) I've gotten "The Final Countdown" song in my head. It truly is the home stretch here. So funny that 7.5 years of work comes down to a couple weeks to meet competition deadline. (PS: If I don't make this years deadline I can enter next year, but I'd really like to enter this year).

Thanks for stopping by and reading! Happy Stitching.

May Reporting Link for SFS2015-A

This is the place to log-in/report for all participating bloggers in SFS2015-A group.
This link list to report for April (for bloggers) will remain open from April 21 - 29.

Of course we want pictures and more information if you'd like!! This is merely the minimum requirement for reporting. Please ensure you link to the exact SFS post on your blog and not your general blog page.

Email participants please click to send in your report: 
Issues, concerns, confused, etc?  
Please feel free to leave a comment here and I will respond via email or comment back if you don't have an email connected to your blogger profile. 
Email me (Mel) direct at

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Comic Expo & Sad April SFS2015-A Report

Well... another month, another report.
I have to say that I didn't spend any money this month on stitching (hurrah!)... except I did spend an obscene amount of money at our local Comic Expo... my Harley Quinn obsession is starting to get out of hand according to my DH. (lol)

I have no stitching to report. I know terrible. But Comic Expo has been all consuming since middle of April. And I spent so much money that we are joking that our house is on the "KD budget" for the next month. I suppose at least that means I'll have another zero dollar spending month on stitching!! :)

So, forgive me the rest of this post is going to have nothing to do with stitching. Feel free to wander elsewhere if you're not interested in my fan girl activities.

Comic Expo - Calgary
I have been attending the local Expo here in Calgary (where I live) for the last 7 years. Each year has had lots of great celebs, shopping and sessions; but been plagued with crazy bad organization. I'm so pleased to say that this year, while the celebs were not quite as epic, the organization was bang on. And frankly having a good time is more important than having a million good celebrities (in fact maybe that's why it was better...)

Last minute they announced Neil Patrick Harris!!! It was shocking as NPH has never done any Expo except for San Diego (the largest in the world). So we couldn't believe he was coming to little ol' Calgary, Canada! I got to meet him, get his autograph and hear him speak at a panel. It was a great addition to the Expo and easily the best celebrity guest (but not my favourite moment). To the right is Neil from the autograph line-up.

I was especially excited, prior to NPH being announced, to meet Chad Hardin. He is the current artist of Harley Quinn in her own series of DC comics. Don't know who Harley is? She is the paramour of Joker and often seen by his side. She first appeared in the Batman franchise in the animated Batman from the early 1990's (when I was prime age for cartoons).
To say I was over joyed to meet Chad would be an understatement. He was a super nice, personable and real person. Zero ego to be had. I got to commission him to do my very own, exclusive pencil sketch of Harley Quinn (for a pretty penny) that is absolutely worth every penny I spent on it. We're going to get it framed up and put it on the wall:
The sketch above is currently my pride and joy. It's actually sitting at home (to be framed) right next to my Jeannette Douglass stash from last month!

Here's a rare glimpse of me... in my new Harley Quinn hoody purchased at Expo. I know I look 12, but I swear I'm 32! (wow, two posts with pics of me in two months; I must be loosing it.)

In addition to NPH & Chad I also met; David Morrisey (the Governor from Walking Dead), Kristin Bauer (Pam from True Blood & Malificent in Once Upon a Time), Carl Weathers (Predator plus lots of other movies over the years).
I bought a bunch of comics including a first edition of a series called Gotham City Sirens that stars Harley Quinn (surprised? haha), Poison Ivy & Catwoman. It was a bit of investment but in great shape and the only copy I saw all weekend amongst the dozens of comic booths in the market.

There you have it, a short but sweet update about what I've spent my last little it obsessing about. I've been (of course) reading lots of comics and getting tied up about what Harley Quinn is going to look like for her big screen debut in forthcoming DC Comics "Suicide Squad" movie. (don't ask what I think of her look that we've seen to date as it's a rambling worst than this post).

If you stuck to the end of this good for you! And thanks for caring about part of my non-stitching life. Dragons is going to get picked up by weeks end (finally) and I really do need to pick up the pace to make my end of May deadline... eek!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April SFS2015-A Reporting

This is the place to log-in/report for all participating bloggers in SFS2015-A group.
This link list to report for April (for bloggers) will remain open from April 21 - 29.

Of course we want pictures and more information if you'd like!! This is merely the minimum requirement for reporting. Please ensure you link to the exact SFS post on your blog and not your general blog page.

Email participants please click to send in your report: 
Issues, concerns, confused, etc?  
Please feel free to leave a comment here and I will respond via email or comment back if you don't have an email connected to your blogger profile. 
Email me (Mel) direct at

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Baby Sampler WIP

You probably don't remember... but I was working on a gift baby sampler back in December/January. Well... I'm still working on it. But it's close to being done. I was hoping to finish it on the holiday weekend but alas that didn't happen. Then I decided, ah why not, I'll share it anyways!!

This is a super cute design. I am not a big "baby design" pastel person but love the saying in this and the colors. I made one single change which is to make the hearts a pale pink instead of white (as they were being lost on my fabric, but also cause the sampler is for two little girls so it seemed like some pink was needed). The design is from Cherry Hill Stitchery and it appears the name is just "Birth Sampler". Here it is, almost done. Owl to be finished, and two names being added to the bottom (for the two girls in the family).

I have to say I'm appreciating good old DMC on 32 ct linen. It is a nice simple change for me to work on. No fussy silk, over 1 on 25 or fancy stitches. That said, I'm starting a Jeannette Douglass as soon as this is finished and will be back to my usual 'epic' elements in my stitching.
This is my first Silkweavers fabric that I've ever stitched and OMG I think I'm in love!!! The softness of this fabric is unparalleled. I think I have  cashmere yarn that isn't this soft. And the hand-dyed colours are truly incredible. The photo doesn't do it justice.

Other WIPs: 
I have been working on Dragons and will show a 1/3 or 1/2 page update now that we are in the home stretch!! I think I'm almost afraid to finish this last page, and yet eager to get it finished. It's a weird scenario in my mind right now.
As mentioned above, a new Jeannette piece will be started after the sampler.
My husband has also moved some artwork in our main room around (to accommodate the record player set-up that we bought. Yes genuine 1970's turntable, amp & speakers) and he has asked me to work on the Ink Circles piece that reminds us of our trip to the Netherlands a couple years ago. So that will be getting started (likely after dragons).
And then of course, when dragons is done... a new epic, epic piece will need to be chosen! And I have a lot of options with 50+ HAED designs, plus a few other designs with similar painting style stitching.
Whew, good thing 2015 isn't half over yet as I suddenly feel like I have a lot of goals that aren't set up are going to happen this year! :)

Monday, March 30, 2015

March SFS2015-A Report + Caterpillar Finish

Please see March SFS2015-A reporting sign-up below this post!

Alright... I'm not sure how to admit this other than to say I had a once in a lifetime opportunity and I took the bull by the horns.
In SFS we have a total yearly budget of $300. $25 per month.
I shamefully have to admit that I spent over the $300 and then some at Jeannette Douglass'. Sooo... I fail at my own challenge for the year. While DH was okay with it all and reminded me that occasional splurges are to be expected; I won't lie I'm still kinda disappointed. However, I also know that I got AMAZING patterns and thread packs from Jeannette that will result in 1,000+ hours of stitching.

So here's my abysmal report:
Spent: $300.00+
Finishes: 2
Finishes worth: $4.00 + $10.00 (half page of Dragons from last month I forgot about!) = $14

I'm aware I should be fired from my own group. And did let Rahenna & Darlene (my co-leads) know what I had done. They indicated they didn't want me to go away so I guess I still run the group and am an excellent example of what NOT to do. The usual philosophy to kids "do what I say, not what I do"; as inevitably we pass on bad habits.

Caterpillar Finished
I did however have a small finish. Though it's not near enough to make up for the spending, but it's something. This is a Mill Hill Kit, Caterpillar on perforated paper. Threads & beads from kit. I love the colors in him, they really pop!

In Other News:
- I finally got some stitches into last page of Dragons
- Am on last motif of Metamorphosis from Ink Circles
- Am on final stretch with baby sampler for a friend (I missed the February deadline, but she doesn't seem to mind)

Here's hoping these stitches mean I get to account for more finishing soon!
Happy Stitching!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

March SFS2015-A Blogger Reporting

This is the place to log-in/report for all participating bloggers in SFS2015-A group.
This link list to report for March (for bloggers) will remain open from March 22 - 29.

Of course we want pictures and more information if you'd like!! This is merely the minimum requirement for reporting. Please ensure you link to the exact SFS post on your blog and not your general blog page.

Email participants please click to send in your report: 
Issues, concerns, confused, etc?  
Please feel free to leave a comment here and I will respond via email or comment back if you don't have an email connected to your blogger profile. 
Email me (Mel) direct at

Sunday, March 8, 2015

An Afternoon with designer Jeannette Douglas

I have the most exciting blog post I think I've ever written to share with everyone today.
Please note that this is my personal summary of the day and my thoughts.

My friend Christine (right) and I (left) had the absolute thrill and pleasure of spending the afternoon (yesterday) with cross stitch designer Jeannette Douglas (middle)!!!
Now most of you are (I hope) saying to yourself, oh yes I know Jeannette's work. But in case you aren't read on for more about her, her designs and my fabulous afternoon with her, and head over to her site to see her collection of designs.

How did this come about? 
Remember the blog post I put up in January about how I really wanted to afford Jeannette's class being taught in my hometown, Calgary for EAC this year? But that the cost was a wee bit too much for a two day class and only one project?
Well, believe it or not, someone sent Jeannette a link to my blog post asking her about the project she is teaching; and she read my post! Following reading my post Jeannette contacted me via email letting me know she totally understands being in her thirties and having little money to do a large cross stitch event. From there she invited me to bring a friend and come for afternoon tea!!
To say I was shocked, excited and flattered would be an understatement. I was actually in (happy) tears sharing the email with my DH and telling him that I couldn't believe she had bothered to read my blog post nevermind, be so kind as to offer her personal time to me!!

Setting it up
So we discussed a time and day. February is a busy month, and we decided that the week after Jeannette had been at Nashville Market would be perfect! As she could share some Nashville experiences, discuss new designs, and (of course!) sell us her new designs that were released that week. When she indicated that we could shop from her studio I was over the moon!!

The Meet and Greet
I'd known for some time that Jeannette lived in Calgary. She is a born and raised Canadian (which I find so cool as she is a big time designer!). She is absolutely doll to chat with. Christine and I left there saying to each other, "OMG she's our kind of people!". There was zero snobbiness in Jeannette. She instantly invited us in to her home for tea, had some goodies from the best bakery in town (her friend owns the bakery!) and invited us into her studio/office to chat. She was so genuinely excited to meet us! And of course, we were giddy like school girls to meet her.

The Studio
Wow, is the first thing! Every color, from so many different thread companies including; Thread Gatherer, Crescent Colors, Gloriana, Waterlilies, Waterflowers, and so much more!
If you're familiar with Jeannette's designs then you know that they are all about color, especially variegated threads (my favourite!). Drawers of fabric including one of her (and my) favourites Lakeside Linens.
One wall (that is behind us in the first photo) is covered in her own stitching of others designs. Her favourites include The Drawn Thread and Shepards Bush. I feel that you can really see that inspiration in each of Jeannettes designs.
With a perfect sized table in the middle we sat down to chat.

About Jeannette
I learned so many interesting tidbits about Jeannette during our conversations including:
- she does not own a sewing machine, and (like me!) does not sew. All her finishing is done by hand!
- she used to be a nurse in psychiatric wards her in Calgary, in her previous career
- she has no full-time staff that help her. Jeannette does almost all aspects of the business herself including; designs, charting, filling store orders, putting together thread packs (when her occasional helpers aren't around) and so much more!
- her husband also works from home and so it's like they never leave their house! (lol)
More tidbits about Jeannette below.

The Designs
Jeannette chatted with us about her designs and color palettes a little bit (Seasonal Sampler shown right). Including disclosing that pink is far from her favourite color (probably why I love her designs so much). Her charts are so detailed because each one (even little ones) have speciality stitches in them. Some of which she has modified or created herself!
Interestingly, she stitches most of her designs herself and uses them as the models. She brings in a photographer to shoot the pieces but sets up the backgrounds, mood and focuses herself. Plus she takes the time to set-up the graphic design of her covers herself (alongside some help from her graphic designer daughter). This is one talented lady that is aware of all aspects of her business.

It's clear in chatting with Jeannette that she cares a lot about her customers and fellow stitchers. She wants to give a solid product that can be enjoyed, loved and appreciated. Her instructions are flawless in the designs I have done of hers and so I know that there is a lot of attention to detail put in them. Buying a Jeannette Douglas design is always a learning experience as there are different stitches in each one. One of the reasons I love her stuff is the challenge to learn new stitches!

Jeannette never repeats herself. We discussed that she has less Christmas patterns than most designers and I loved her response that, she hopes she is more creative than just choosing holidays over and over again. For me that was such an amazing statement!! While I love Halloween, Autumn and sets of seasonal pieces; sometimes you need something different. Just like the modern piece (shown left) that I purchased called Numero. It's DH approved (which is rare) and I will be doing it up for our entryway at home. These types of unique ideas are something that Jeannette clearly tries to come up with each time she sits down at her desk to design a new pattern.

However, don't get me wrong, a great banded sampler, four seasons set or holiday themed piece is always a great choice for any designer; and Jeannette is no exception to that.

Thread Packs
One of the keys to Jeannette's designs is the thread packs that go along with them. As her designs always include variegated threads, usually silks, sometimes wool and other different weights purchasing a thread pack can be critical to her designs. Now that's not to say you can't put together the colors yourself or modify them a bit, but really why would you want to!? :)
In my experience Jeannette's thread packs always have more than enough to complete the design even if you're not a thrifty thread stitcher (which I am not).
The key to it it all... Jeannette knows how much thread to include because she's (in most cases) already stitched the design herself! It's brilliant!

We were allowed to browse Jeannette's charts, thread packs and embellishment sets (all meticulously organized) and shop right from them. So naturally I had to go all out (stitch from stash be damned on this day, DH had sort of agreed ahead of time, lol). All the photos you've seen in this post are of patterns I purchased.
I picked up some older patterns, thread packs for patterns I already had, and a couple of her latest designs including the gorgeous "English Rose" sampler (shown right). This design was just released at Nashville and I feel oh so tickled to have it so quickly!
I left with a huge addition to my stash, but what I know will be hundreds of hours of enjoyment (which is worth more than the two day class, as pointed out by my DH!).

A Farewell
We stayed late into the afternoon as it was just so much fun. 3+ hours after we had arrived we paid up for our shopping and started to pack up. Jeannette was still thrilled to have us (or she's an amazing actress, lol) and even mentioned us returning again at some point. A day when we could bring our stitching with us and continue chatting!!
I walked out of Jeannette's home feeling so blessed and special for having a rare opportunity to not only chat with her one-on-one (with my friend of course) but to also have experienced her home studio and be given a window into her personality, ideas and life.

I don't know that I could possibly find enough adjectives in my vocabulary or even with the help of a thesaurus to describe what an amazing day it was. Christine and I discussed on the way home that today was a rare treat, and better than any birthday we've ever had!!   :)

Jeannette Douglas' designs are available at almost all major needlework shops or online sites (or request your shop to bring in her stuff!). The biggie online shops like 123 & ABC carry her stuff. As well as one of my personal favourite US online shops; all her newest designs are available through Karen's shop. Thread packs are listed in drop down menus for each pattern.

Whew, that was a record long blog post. I even tried to keep it short but just too much to share! 
Thanks for reading this far, and as always Happy Stitching! 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Stitch From Stash - February Report

I'm late, late, late for a very important date...

Month: February
Spent: $23.50
Earned: $0.00

My apologies for my crazy late update!
I do have some interesting news for those who have followed some of medical issues over the years however... I'm getting some further testing in the coming months as many of my symptoms from the last couple years are in full-force lately and meds are not keeping enough at bay. If we find out anything definitive I'll be sure to post.
But no one really cares about that crap... I try to ignore it too!

This month I bought two items on eBay. Only 2!!
One of the items I bought I think is just so cute, I'd love to see if go up in a child's room. No home plan for it yet but I'm sure one of the random children I know would enjoy it.
It's Counting Sheep, by Carriage House Samplings!

What have I worked on...
This is a sad list. I haven't touched Dragons or started the new page. (Yes I know I need to get onto that).
I did some on my Ink Circles, Metamorphosis, that was started in August of last year and put aside for a bit. Here are some updates on it. The first picture shows the latest two motifs. The last pic shows all the motifs (there is one more after most recently started one). Please forgive the creases; this piece is being stitched in hand and I'm too lazy to iron it for a progress photo. :)

Happy Stitching!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Blogger Reporting for February SFS2015

This is the place to log-in/report for all participating bloggers in SFS2015-A group.
It worked out quite well for my helpers to grab people's info from here and log them into the giant spreadsheet; so thanks to them and for all of you for reporting!

This link list to report for February (for bloggers) will remain open from Feb 21 - 28.
Please ensure your SFS post is at the top of your blog and adheres at minimum to this basic template:
Month: (the month you're reporting in for!)
Spent: (the amount you spent from your budget)
Earned: (put the amount earned from finishes that month!)

Of course we want pictures and more information if you'd like!! This is merely the minimum requirement for reporting. Please ensure you link to the exact SFS post on your blog and not your general blog page.

Email participants please click to send in your report: 

Issues, concerns, confused, etc?  
Please feel free to leave a comment here and I will respond via email or comment back if you don't have an email connected to your blogger profile. 
Email me (Mel) direct at

Monday, February 16, 2015

Dragons Update - So close I can taste it!

Ever feel like you've been working on something forever and you can't imagine it ending? Or read a book you wish wouldn't end, but you really want to read the end to know what happens?

This conflict is how I am feeling about Dragons almost being complete... almost.
Yesterday I finished the 2nd to last page. There was a lot of yellow, ivory and white. While it's quick, it's boring. And who knew it took so many hours to put in that many rows of all in a row stitches!

And so I present Dragons, with only 1 (one!) page to go:
 This shows all of the second last page (including the dragons head), and the final page location of course.
Dragons in their entirety to date. I know the excitement of them is long gone as the bulk of the interesting dragons has been done for awhile. But it's still exciting to me to see each area grow. I am on track for my goal of April to be complete.
That said I have until end of May, if I need, to get it framed and into the stitching competition that our famous Calgary Stampede, holds each year. I haven't entered anything in a few years, and while I am quite certain Dragons won't win (it's not the 'style' of what usually wins) I figure it deserves it's 10 days on public display. LOL!

Otherwise things are coming along. I just resisted the urge to go and check out eBay. Which means that I've gone an entire long weekend without checking!!! (it's Family Day here in Alberta, so day off work which is always nice).
Happy Stitching!