Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Book Review: The Bone Shard Daughter

The Bone Shard Daughter
by Andrea Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing!! An absolute tour de force. This book is incredible.
My time taken to read it is only because I decided to savour it and read many books in-between. I’ll be onto the second book immediately and do not intend to take near as long to devour it.
The plot, the magic, the characters, the beasts; all of it is just so well throughout, written, and intricately put together. Andrea Stewart has given us a new world of magic with characters to adore and intrigue in how to rebuild a fallen Empire. I cannot say enough good things about this series.
At the end of the day if you love fantasy then this is a MUST READ book. I truly hope the series continues on just as strong. I expect in ten years for this series to be listed alongside other pinnacles of achievement in fantasy like Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones, Broken Empire, and more.

What tickles me even more is that a women wrote it!! Proof that we don’t need old white men to write all our fantasy. In fact anyone can write this genre successfully. I cannot wait to continue on with Bone Shard series; but also for all of Stewart’s future stories. I’m sure she has many to tell and I am here for them all.

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Book Review: Wolfish

by Christiane M. Andrews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the most surprising middle grade book I’ve read since The Girl Who Drank the Moon. It’s so well written, the story is so well crafted, and it’s not written down to a middle grade level. Instead it just feels like a story that anyone, of any age, could enjoy.
I don’t know the myth Wolfish is based on, so to me the story, characters, etc. were all new. Each character is their own with eccentricities and personality unique to them. I really appreciate the work Christiane M. Andrew’s put into each of her core characters.
This story is so much more than the illustrations and cover do justice. I’d put it as sophisticated enough to entertain and give pause to any one of any age. Not unlike the appeal of books like Harry Potter, Little Prince or Percy Jackson. Universal stories that everyone can appreciate.

The writing and story itself can be interpreted at so many levels. For a child it might tell a story of family, for a teen it might teach appreciating life for what it is, and for an adult it might cause reflection on decisions and overall life goals. It’s truly wondrous how Andrew’s has brought so many ideals together and given the narrative a familiar, beautifully lyrical tone (without being obnoxious or too flower-y). Oh the songs!! I want this to be a movie or tv show just so someone can put the amazing songs to real music. I can almost hear in my head what they might sound like; that’s how well cadenced the lyrics are.

Honestly I could go on and on about so many aspects of Wolfish. From the divinity of the oracle, the suffering of the children, the emphasis on food, and the focus on created family (not bloodlines) Andrew’s has considered every aspect of this story and enhanced it in so many ways. And none of that even begins to touch on the morals and lessons about: helping others, doing right whenever possible (or finding a compromise), and ultimately loving life in a way that it takes so many of us far too long to realize and understand. Do yourself, a friend, a child, really anyone, a favour and read Wolfish. Then gift it, buy it, and love it. Share it with everyone. It’s the kind of book I would gift to anyone at any time. I’m confident enough you will enjoy it that if I had any kind of ‘clout’ (or cash, lol) I’d make it a guaranteed good read.

Please note: I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is an honest and unbiased review.

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