Well I have two things to tell everyone about...
1) A Yukon Get Together
Evalina and I have been chatting since our 12 hour stitch apart, but kinda together as we emailed back and forth last Saturday. And we are going to try and do a stitchers get together in the Yukon (which is were she lives). Our get together would be in Dawsons Creek, Yukon, and anyone is welcome to join us. We are looking to do it over one weekend in July. You would fly into Whitehorse, Yukon and then Evalina has agreed to drive from there to Dawsons Creek.
I am excited about this and trying to put money aside now for it.
If you are interested or want more info, leave me (or Evalina) a comment or email us and we can get you more info. We'd love to have others join us on this.
2) Romantic Rose Garden by Chatelaine (Published in Gift of Stitching) SAL Blog
I am hoping to start on the Romantic Rose Garden by Chatelaine (published in the September issue of Gift of Stitching) in the new year. On a number of boards I have had some interest in doing this as a SAL. And so I am going to set-up a blog for it. The blog would be through blogger and you would be able to post direct to it your progress on the piece and other notes about it.
I do not have the link set-up just yet, as soon as I do I will post it here. However if you know you want in, leave me a comment with your email, or just email me direct (you can get my email by clicking on my profile and then email through blogger).
I hope a few of you will join me in this one! :)
Check out the pic of it on my post here:
http://epicstitching.blogspot.com/2009/09/chatelaine-pattern-frame-on-beatings.html(sorry was having trouble embedding it so I gave up)
Sorry no stitching updates, I finished my private exchange for
Meari the other night, but can't share photos until I mail it later this week (and then only after she has received it). And I ran out of the edging I want for my button up ornaments so I will try and pick more up this week so I can share photos of them. I have changed the finish b/c the original instructions confused me and I was nervous, so I have put them together my way. But I think they will still be cute.
Hope you are all staying warm and for those of my American friends stuck in a snow storm out in the mid-west I wish you all well.