Friday, August 3, 2012

A Sneak Peek at Dragons & more

First up last week's winner of the HAED poll was Snow White's Fall. It was really close with only one point dividing the top 3!!! So look for Unicorn LP and Fairy Ball to make appearances in future polls before the year is out.

I have a bit of a treat if you will. A sneak peek at the latest page of Dragons I a working on. As per the usual (you'd think I'd learn after 4 years on this project) I'm taking longer to complete the page than predicted. So here's a teaser for where the page is at. It's about 75% done and I do plan on putting in some major time with it this weekend. It's a long weekend in Canada so I'm stoked to get to it tomorrow and hopefully the next two days after that. But without further ado here is the sneak peek:

In personal news: I've been really liking my new job. It's a very systematic process of things I do. And none of the 'disasters' are all that disaster like (at least in comparison to the reactions people would have to designing). After 4 weeks of working there it is looking like (I say guardedly) one of the best decisions I've ever made. It, of course, still has it's people issues and some stress but nothing like what I was dealing with as an Art Director.
And so what has that meant for me as a whole? I am feeling so much better! Probably the best I've felt in about 2.5 years, since before my emergency surgery (that may of you were on the rocky road for). It's been a roller coaster but I feel like I'm finally nearing the end. *happy dance*
Coming up in the next few days: more work on dragons, more bracelets going up on my store this weekend and a finish that I want to "really finish" before I share it with everyone.
Thank you for visiting!


Shebafudge said...

The sneak peak of your dragon looks lovely. The colours are gorgeous.

I'm so pleased that you are enjoying your new job. We spend so much time at work that it can be awful if there isn't any 'fun' in it.

Carissa said...

Dragons looks great Mel and I'm so glad that so far you are feeling good about the new job.

Emily in NC said...

Glad you are liking your new job and that it is less stressful, very good news. Thanks for the teaser of Dragons, have loved watching your progress over the last couple years.

Linda M said...

Great progress on your Dragons. And it's wonderful to hear that you are enjoying your new job.

Shelleen said...

Love the sneak peek and can't wait to see more.

Vicky L said...

Great Stitching! i love Snow White's Fall.

Cindy said...

I can't wait to see the progress pictures on Dragons after this weekend.It's been awhile.LOL

Denise SA said...

Glad you are feeling better. I love the peek at the dragons

Anonymous said...

Glad you are having less stress in your new job and thanks for the sneak peak of your dragon.


Unknown said...

congrats on your new job and liking it. your dragon is beautiful

Unknown said...

Dragons is looking fab and I look forward to seeing a proper update of it :-)

Anonymous said...

The chart looks amazing =)
Your dragon looks very promising, I am looking forward to see more of it =)

Ellen said...

Great progress on the dragon, love the colors!


Brigitte said...

Everything you write about working in your new job sounds so promising and good. And I'm sure that it will stay like that. You definitely deserve it!The dragon project looks gorgeous!

Katrien said...

Dragons look great. I'm glad you're enjoying your new job!

Katrien said...

Dragons looks great. I'm glad you're enjoying your new job!