Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Stitch From Stash 2015-A - Only 15 spots left!

Anyone else frantically finishing up their holiday stitching?!
I know I am!! :)    Sorry can't share pics as not sure on readership from my "real life". But I will share once finished and gifted.

What I'm really here to remind you all is that if you want in on Stitch From Stash 2015-A (Jan 1 to Jun 30) then you need to sign-up now!!! There are only 15 spots for bloggers left and 3 for email participants!! Do not delay!
To sign-up click the tab for SFS2015-A above this post and follow the directions.

Want to tell others that you're in for SFS2015-A, grab the button/photo to the left and post it in your sidebar or on a blog post! You can link it back to the tab page (above) link which is where everyone will be posting their updates each month.

There will be communications heading out to everyone in the group in the next week or so that indicates how to log-in for each month. Deadlines and other pertinent information to follow at the same time.

Good news to those that are "following" us along this year. The newsletters will be public this year! They will be posted to the magical tab page (still above) for everyone to view the tips, tricks and latest on SFS.

Happy (quick) Stitching moving into the crunch time of the month. 
I cannot wait for January when I can go back to hard-core stitching on Dragons and be less stressed about... well... everything! 


Tricia said...

How fun that it is filling up for next year. Can't wait! I was excited to have won a prize this past month... was I supposed to have emailed you with my address?? Just call me clueless!! :)

Clare-Aimetu said...

I'm ready for another year of using my stash - although there still seems a lot in my boxes !!