Thursday, December 5, 2024

Book Review: Signal to Noise

Signal to Noise 
by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is not really a fantasy or magical book. It has some magic in it which is a catalyst for some events, but otherwise largely a non-factor. There is no real discussion about how the magic works, rules for the magic, or any actual system of setup. For me, because I’m not a big fan of teen contemporary books I found this disappointing. It’s well written, interesting characters, and engaging enough (as Silvia Moreno-Garcia always is), but a bit too much teen angst for me. Call me pathetic that even at 41 years old I still have anxiety when I read teen books that are set in our world and focus on common family or friend dynamics wrong gone; but it was not a great time in my life and so I just don’t have any desire to revisit those feelings, in myself or vis other characters. I do hope some other readers, especially younger ones find something in this to learn about themselves. I’m just no longer that person.

I will (of course) continue to read what Moreno-Garcia publishes even though Signal to Noise didn’t do it for me. Not only because she’s a fellow Canadian, but because Mexican Gothic is brilliant and it wasn’t the writing here that was the problem for me, more the marketing making this sound more magical than it is.

Please note: I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is an honest and unbiased review.

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1 comment:

Leonore Winterer said...

They can't all be winners! I often feel a bit weirded out by certain teenage dynamics myself. As you said, not a great time in my life to travel back to!